Object: Ngc 6888, the Crescent Nebula in Cygnus. Telescope: Astrograph 400 f/4 Newton (3" 1.15x coma corrector up to 1850mm fl). Paramount ME. Camera: Artemis ART4021. Astronomik LRGB filters. Exposures: Halpha : 148 x 15' (37:00 ) Oiii : 151 x 15' (37:45 ) RGB: 16 x 3' ( 0:48 ) each filter Resolution: 0.82"/pixel . H-alpha FWHM after integration: 2.5" Guiding: Moravian G0 on Off-Axis Guider Date: August - December 2019 Site: Sagan Observatory Las Rozas (Spain) - mag 4.5 suburban skies - |
Processing: Bias, Darks & Flat calibration DBE Deconvolution Histogram & Curves adjustments HDRMT LRGB combining - L(Ha,Oiii) nebula color (Ha,Oiii), stars color (RGB) Noise reduction: ACDNR Software: PixInSight |